Are you killing time with strangers…or selling to qualified fitness, nutrition and wellness prospects? Check your list of prospects against these five questions:
1. Do prospects have a specific problem or opportunity in mind?
- We lose too many work-days to warehouse back injuries
- I need to improve my time so I can win my age group
- I need to get my blood sugar down
2. Do they have the ability to buy your programs?
- The COO can make this decision and has dollars budgeted for it
- Your weight loss prospect has the financial ability to pay your fees
3. Do they have a sense of urgency?
- My MBO for this quarter is to get a back-protection program in place in the warehouse
- My doctor said if I can’t get my blood sugar down with exercise he will start me on meds and I am scared of side effects
4. Do they trust your wellness business?
- They genuinely perceive you as an expert in solving these problems
- They believe you act with integrity and have their best interests at heart
5. Are they listening to what you say?
- How does your back-protection program work?
- I travel a lot, how would your program deal with all those restaurants?
- Do you think your fitness program would work for me?
- What do you think I should do?
Plenty of individuals and businesses fall into Categories #4 and #5. They trust you, they’ll listen to you – they may even have a specific problem they’d like to solve.
But if they lack urgency and the ability to pay, you’re just killing time chatting with strangers.