At The Gym Monday…"Don't Move! Sit Still!"

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…the irony was almost more than I could stand.

No childcare or kids’ fitness activities at my current gym, and naturally no kids allowed on the floor.

So what did I see Monday?

A little girl about five parked at a table near the front desk.

Fidgeting like crazy, bored to tears…while her mom and a couple of Mom’s friends worked out nearby on the ellipticals.

She’s clearly fascinated by what’s going on around her. She keeps climbing down from her chair, trying to follow along with people like me that she can see doing interesting things with stability balls and such.

…And every time she budges, Mom looks over and hollers “You sit still! Don’t move!”


Then yesterday, the guy who cuts my hair shared his concerns about keeping his tween daughter active.

Quick history –  a few months back, he and her mom told her to find a physical activity she enjoyed. Long story short, she loves the fitness dance classes at their gym, so that’s what she committed to do.

Unfortunately…driving her to the gym’s not a priority for Mom or Dad, although they were on board when she signed up for classes. Now they’re pushing her about sitting around all the time again.


I don’t know the answer here –  maybe you’ve got ideas. But I’m pretty sure that what works won’t look like this.