The Business of Wellness Blog

Advice, research, how-to's & guides for owners & business leaders.

Practical, seasoned know-how plus fresh takes that help you grow a successful, profitable and self-sustaining health & wellness business.


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Why Facebook's Not A Silver Bullet For Wellness Businesses

Two more reasons that smart wellness businesses shouldn't put all their marketing eggs in the Facebook basket. (Here's our related article: How Social Media Can ...

Turbocharge Your Fitness, Nutrition and Wellness Reviews and Testimonials

These wellness testimonial best practices bootstrap a powerful and free resource that's right in front of you. What are testimonials and reviews? A testimonial is ...

Budgetzilla! Nine Tips For Defeating The Planning Monster

These straightforward approaches will bring focus to your budget planning process. Tip #1 DO: Base your budget on specific business improvement plans. DON’T: Create a ...

LinkedIn For Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness, Healthcare Professionals: Your Personal Brand’s One-Stop Shop

Resume Tips For Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Professionals

Wellness Websites: Doing the Hard Work, or Just Busy Work?