The Business of Wellness Blog

Advice, research, how-to's & guides for owners & business leaders.

Practical, seasoned know-how plus fresh takes that help you grow a successful, profitable and self-sustaining health & wellness business.


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Altruism Marketing: When Giving Away Your Wellness Services Makes Sense

When altruism meets marketing, the result is free publicity, revenue now and later, phenomenal customer loyalty, and turbocharged word-of-mouth for your wellness business. al-tru-ism [noun]: ...

Buzzkill: When Your Wellness Business's Reputation Becomes Its Weakness

Your wellness business has built its reputation around "getting" people, great hours, awesome results, or fantastic customer service. And yet sales and membership numbers have dropped off. Why? ...

Try This: Think Like A Grocery Store

Service, quality, price. You've got to be good at two, and best at the other one.  That's the philosophy that guides Publix CEO Ed Crenshaw and their ...