The Business of Wellness Blog

Advice, research, how-to's & guides for owners & business leaders.

Practical, seasoned know-how plus fresh takes that help you grow a successful, profitable and self-sustaining health & wellness business.


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Try This: Signage That Leads The Way

This Office Depot is buried in the middle of a strip mall. Bigger storefronts on both sides, lousy drive-by visibility, mostly blocked by landscaping until you're right ...

If You're Really Good, You Can Lose Lots Of Customers At Once

We just led a webinar on customer winback for health and wellness businesses, so watched a customer service train-wreck with fascination tonight at our corner pizza ...

Lessons I Learned From My Bosses

Being a good boss in a fitness business, or a medical practice, or a health club or any other wellness business often means learning lessons ...