The Business of Wellness Blog

Advice, research, how-to's & guides for owners & business leaders.

Practical, seasoned know-how plus fresh takes that help you grow a successful, profitable and self-sustaining health & wellness business.


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Deluding Yourself About Qualified Fitness and Wellness Prospects?

Are you killing time with strangers…or selling to qualified fitness, nutrition and wellness prospects? Check your list of prospects against these five questions: 1. Do prospects have ...

What Is Your Wellness Business Really Telling Your Customers?

Health and wellness clients, members and patients are smart. They know exactly what we're thinking, because our actions send clear messages every day. 1. We ...

Twenty Ways To Improve Your Wellness Business Cash Flow

Many small fitness and wellness businesses that fail were profitable. What killed them? Often, the culprit was poor cash flow. They simply didn't have enough ...

Winterize Your Wellness or Fitness Business For Season-Ready Customer Service

When Respect For Clients Is Lacking: 9 Warning Signs

Rain, Snow, Cold, Heat: Seasonal Opportunities To Delight Customers

Invisible Disabilities: Is Your Fitness Business Discriminating?

When The Good Get Going: Retaining Star Wellness Employees

How To Choose The Right Growth Strategy For Your Health & Wellness Business