The Business of Wellness Blog

Advice, research, how-to's & guides for owners & business leaders.

Practical, seasoned know-how plus fresh takes that help you grow a successful, profitable and self-sustaining health & wellness business.


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Business Karma: How Pro Bono Wellness Helps Profits

What goes around comes around, right? So how can free chair yoga classes at an Alzheimer's residence lead to revenue and clients for your fitness or wellness business?   ...

Customer Service and Client Respect: Tips For Healthcare Professionals

If you're transitioning from a hospital or medical practice to consumer wellness, you probably need to step up to an entirely new standard of customer ...

27 Ways Wellness Businesses Kill Employee Morale

Day 1, your wellness hires are excited and enthusiastic. Six months later, resentful and frustrated, already checking out. Why? Your daily interactions with employees are ...